Helping Kids Become Better Writers
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“My son’s writing has improved by leaps and bounds as he now has new tools and techniques to think through his compositions.” – Ariana D.
Get the New Writing Guide: How to Write a Memoir Essay
Are you looking for a complete lesson plan that will take your student’s writing skills to the next level?
Do you want a method that’s challenging but also entertaining?
Are you struggling to get a reluctant student to complete their writing assignments?
Then this guide is for you.
With the Inkwell Ninjas: How to Write a Memoir Essay lesson plan, you’ll have a step by step guide for teaching this important essay form and unlocking your student’s true writing potential.
Hi, I’m Nicole Bianchi!
Inkwell Scholars began as a writing tutoring business that I started when I was a recent homeschool grad and college student. For over a decade, I taught classes and tutored elementary school, middle school, and high school students from homeschool groups, public schools, and several of the top private schools in New York.
I now work with clients at a digital marketing agency; blog at to an audience of over 6,000 email subscribers; and recently finished writing my first novel. As a Christian, I seek to follow in the tradition of artists like Johann Sebastian Bach, dedicating all my work Soli Deo gloria.
Inkwell Scholars is now online and provides writing resources to young writers all around the globe.

Coming soon!
A novel about friendship and family, the power of imagination, and the joy of playing in the great outdoors.
I recently finished writing a novel for ages 8-12, though it can be enjoyed by anyone still young at heart. I was inspired by the classics I’d devoured as a kid: summer adventure books like Swallows and Amazons set in the real world but that have a magical feel and teach important life lessons.
Join the email list to follow my journey to publish this novel and get my resources for kids on how to write powerful stories.